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Success story

Graduating back in 2014 from RyazGMU was a step in the right direction, building the basic infrastructure of a career in Medicine and exploring the world for opportunities that branch out from there. Tapping into the knowledge and skills acquired during my education journey in Ryazan, I started of a two-year internship program at Parirenyatwa group of hospitals, acquiring essential and vital clinical skills that would live on with me throughout the course of my career.
 My path took me to emergency medicine which proved to be a fulfilling and challenging experience, there was never a quiet day, nor an uneventful night, as we applied our skills and knowledge to best serve the community, we were proud to serve.

During the COVID pandemic we were called to the front of the fight with the pandemic and heeded the call. I joined the national Rapid Response Team under the City Health Department infectious diseases control team as a team leader working with WHO to contain the spread of the pandemic. I was called up to head the then new Health Point Upper East Infectious Medical Facility as the Principal Medical Officer with a team of experts to help manage those patients who were infected during the pandemic.

I then volunteered to serve with the United Nations in Afghanistan as part of the Medical Emergency Response Team, a role for which I have developed a different contingent of skills, knowledge, experiences and abilities. During this role, I have had the opportunity to travel and see some parts of the world that I had never thought possible from, Europe, Dubai, India, Kazakhstan, to name few. Serving in the international humanitarian sector has been fulfilling and inspiring, I hope to continue to be a part of the efforts in humanitarian fields.

With the James Lind University in Switzerland, I am engaging in the specialty of Public Health and Infectious diseases with a research project on the books. I hope to continue with research initiatives in the future and collaborate with universities in the UK.

University can be tough, it can feel long and draining, but taking one’s time to learn as much as possible is a key building block to learning the skills one will need in their career. Learning regularly and continuing to learn after school is vital to staying abreast of updates and the more you learn, the more opportunities present themselves.